Saturday, September 6, 2008

Good Morning World!

Carson is such a morning person, he actually is this happy every time he wakes up! I asked James to take a picture of him with his phone, since it doesn't flash, so we could capture his smile. I am just thankful for those smiles, because now I am that happy in the morning too! Thanks Buddy!


Molly said...

This makes me smile too!
So cute!

MiMi said...

Carson don't forget to wish your mom Happy Birthday! Isn't it fun being a morning person! So much to look forward to ....
Love you so much, MIMI

Anonymous said...

When James was 5 years old, he spent a week with Chuck's Mom and Dad at Lake Texoma in their SilverStreak travel trailer. First thing in the morning, he got up, threw the door open, and yelled, "Good Morning World!!!!" That was one of his Mimi's favorite stories to tell over and over about James.