Monday, August 4, 2008


I was finally able to capture Carson smiling on camera and I can't get enough of them! He smiles the most when he gets done eatting and is just sitting there looking around or talking to me.


Anonymous said...

Oh My Word!!!!!!! What a gorgeous sweetheart. Can't wait to see you on Wednesday, Carson. Love, Gran

Molly said...

Yea, Smiles!ADORABLE!

Anonymous said...

AHHHHHH!!!! Cutest. Smile. Ever!!!!! I wanna kiss those cheeks of his!!!!

MiMi said...

We all (at the office) are laughing out loud at these precious pictures! You are growing up too fast for me. Can't wait to see you. I love you.

Anonymous said...

AH - can hardly wait to show cousing Kat & Paul - Kat's at band camp this week and this will be a wonderful end to a grueling day! Aunt Lorri is excited because Area competition is going to be held at the stadium there and she is going to convince your Mommy & Daddy that you need to come watch (October 25!) hint hint - I sure hope we see you before then - XOXOXOX
Aunt Lorri

Anonymous said...

Look good dude!

Uncle Mike

Taryl said...

He is so stinkin CUTE!!!!!!