Wednesday, June 24, 2009


A Friend of mine gave us the push toy that her kids used at Carson's age and man does he have the hang of it now!! He pushes it all around the house and entertains the neighbors when we walk up and down the sidewalk with it. Thanks Chase and Kennedy!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Carson's First Birthday party was a hit, we all had such a great time. All of the kids were so good and everyone enjoyed taking turns swimming with Carson.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Birthday Cake

Carson is not a big fan of birthday cake yet, but being related to me means that it will defiantly come in time!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

A Special Shout Out to all the wonderful Father's in our lives...Daddy, Nanu, Grandad, Papa, Great Grandpa, Great Nana, Uncle Mike, Uncle Gary and Uncle Steve!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Carson and I started a Gymboree play class last week and we are both loving it!! It is a class for 10-16month olds where they can Explore two-way communication through discovery, balance and coordination.

Carson is One!!!

I can't believe I forgot to do a post on Carson's birthday, things have been so busy around here and I am finding it hard to find the time to post.
Carson turned one on Tuesday, June 9th!! I can't believe it!!
He is now 33 inches and 25 lbs 10 oz! This boy is going to be tall!!!
We will be celebrating with family and friends tomorrow, so pictures will follow!