Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bath Time Buddies

Sophie and Flea love their new baby brother! In fact, Flea now sleeps wherever Carson does. Sophie, however, just gives huge kisses every time she walks by him.
In this picture, Carson is getting ready for bath time with Flea by his side!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Splish Splash

Carson is starting to really love bath time, it is one of my favorite times too! He loves when I pour the water over his belly and on top of his head. He makes the best faces and movements during bath time!
Wow, look at that Belly!! :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Future Pilot?

We headed out to Lancaster airport on Sunday to visit Grandad and to check out his new engine on the plane. Although, James was a little bummed that Carson didn't see his plane first, he is convinced we have a future pilot among us - or at least an airplane mechanic! Either way, we'll take him!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Please, Stop the Paparazzi!!


Carson has stared to make the best faces and I love watching him and waiting for the next one. They occur after he gets done eating and I have even seen a smile or two. The smiles aren't really at me, but more of a satisfied smile - either way, I'll take it! It is driving James crazy because he hasn't seen them yet and wanted me to try and capture them on the camera.....much harder to do than it sounds! This is the closest I could get of any type of expression, but keep looking - the smiles are coming!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Water Baby

James and I were sitting outside with Carson, as it was starting to heat up, so James took him for a little dip in the pool to cool off. After the initial shock of the water, he loved it! We will be in swim lessons before you know it!!

Just A Swingin

James and I watched a DVD that the nurses at the hospital recommended, 'The Happiest Baby On The Block'. It gives you suggestions on ways to sooth your baby.
The five S's
  • Swaddling
  • Side or Stomach Position
  • Sucking
  • Shhhhhhhhhh'ing
  • Swinging

Notice in this picture we have 3 of them going!!!!! Swinging, Sucking and the noise machine was on for the Shhhhhhhhhhhing - Works like a Charm!! Thank you 'Happiest Baby on The Block'!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Happy 1 Month Carson!!

Where does the time go? I can't believe Carson is one month old!!

Skipping Ahead

It seems like the last few photos are all of Carson sleeping and they are, but that is when we think he is the us! :)
Here he is at 4 weeks!

One Hand Man

Sunday Sleeper

Happy Two Weeks Carson!!

Carson's Two Week photos were taken by Edward Ramirez at BluDoor Studios

Growing Like A Weed!

We went to the Doctor on June 13th for Carson's five day apt and he weighed in at 7lbs 13oz. We went back to the Doctor one week later for his two week apt and he weighed in at 8lbs 13oz, the Doctor said that about an oz a day was the norm - Wow!! he doubled that, what an over achiever! The Doctor estimates that Carson will be between 6ft 1in and 6ft 4in.

Carson James or James Paul

Well, I keep looking at Carson and trying to decide what part of him looks like me, or at least some part Frieri. After James' mom brought over these pictures of James as a baby I realized I had been wasting my time........this boy is all James!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

We were lucky enough to have Carson home to help celebrate James' first Father's day! I always knew James would be a good father, but there is nothing like watching him with Carson. I sure love my two boys!

Welcome Home!

We arrived home on Wednesday, June 11th, and were welcomed by our 'other' kids - Sophie and Flea! They have been great with Carson. Flea is a little more tuned in to what is going on than Sophie is, but that was to be expected :)

Hospital Stay

James and I had a great experience at Baylor Grapevine and were visited by our loving family and friends. Thank you all for your support and for sharing in our excitement!

Let's Get It Started......

My brother, Michael, set up this blog for Carson - Thank you
It will be a great way to keep our family and friends up to date.
I am just now, four weeks later, sitting down to work on it! I don't know where the days go, but I am loving every minute of it! We will try and update this as ofter as possible, so make sure and check back to see how much Carson has grown and what new things he is up to.
Thanks for looking!